So in conclusion don't watch the riveting series "24" because you will realize what a spinning vacuous void your life has become.
Thank you,
Neil Hiatt
30 Sad & Puzzling Facts About Me & Life in General
1. Without Myspace or Facebook I wouldn’t remember anyone’s names, birthdays or sexual orientation. (It’s true and it’s not that I don’t love and respect you…I just don’t love and respect you enough to remember your birthday…sorry).
2. People are only nice on Holidays and even then it’s so you can get nice shit.
3.Every year, I draw closer to the realization that I will never grow proper facial hair. It has become apparent that the only cheeks on me where hair will grow are not the good kind like I want. I can only grow a thin mustache (which is reserved only for child molesters and our culturally strong friends from across the border) and “scruff” under my chin as well as on my neck…like a testosterone injected female body builder.
4. Dumb people will always have higher paying jobs than me.
5. “Mormon Movies” are basically poorly made exploitation films. Like Blacula and Coffee before them; we are now about a stones throw away from “Mormon Dracula” or “Zombies & Zoobies”* * - Zombies & Zoobies Trademarked by Michelle Flowers and Erin Seaward.
6. We go to years of college only to get a substandard paying job with little or no escape. (Keep sweeping up those floors Dr. so and so).
7. Sometimes I think I am dying when really everything is okay.
8. I am very judgmental. Not the greatest fact but I don’t judge based on outward appearance and status. I judge based upon people’s actions.
9. I hold a grudge for a long period of time. (I believe that you should trust and respect everyone with the same respect you want, that is until they give you a reason not to trust or respect them).
10. I go to Utah Valley University (Formerly UVSC) and the big Joke at BYU is to call UVU, “Utah Valley High School”. When I used to book comedy for UVSC events and dances over three-fourths of the audience that showed up was from BYU, grossly outnumbering the UVU students. So, if UVU is being compared to a high school and over half of the people who show up for our events is from BYU, what does that make BYU? That means BYU is like that creepy guy who graduated from high school but keeps coming back to hang out in the parking lot and scam for barely legal trim. You know, the guy who thinks he’s is really cool but in reality is just a pompous douche bag? Yeah, BYU? Don’t be that guy.
11. God put Assholes on the earth for one reason and one reason only, to have something to compare our lives to. Someone who we can say, “Man, no matter how bad my life gets…at least I’m not that guy.”
12. I love Mi Rancherito and Chili’s….but I hate diarrhea….conundrum?
13. BLUETOOTH! While it is an awesome breakthrough in technology…DON’T LEAVE IT IN YOUR EAR ALL DAY!!!! You are not so important that you can’t take it out while you’re eating! And if you are talking on it leave the room because you look ridiculous.
14. Dill pickles are an abomination before God and should be wiped from the face of the Earth.
15. Cats SUCK! They are cute as kittens but then they grow, shed, hack and try to suffocate you when you sleep!
16. If am having a good day and someone asks if I am okay or ornery, that in fact makes me ornery. (Their fault! If they would have just left me alone!)
17. When someone asks for my “honest opinion”…trust me, that’s the last thing they want to hear.
18. Sometimes I will say hi to people and their reaction alone makes me think they don’t like me…and these are people I have never even spoken too.
19. I hate being right about life situations, especially bad ones.
20. Fish make terrible pets, they rarely survive and they can’t fetch or protect a house.
21. Mitt Romney said he believes, “That Christ is the savior of the world and that he died for us and is the king of all mankind”… then some stupid spokeswoman turns around and comments back by saying, yes... He said all that, but he never said “I’m a Christian” so who is to say he is Christian? DUH!!!!!!!!!… Doesn’t Christian mean that you believe Christ is the savior? And isn’t that what he said?? This world is SOOO freaking stupid. And that lady… I don’t even know where to start with her ignorance.
22. I don’t vote…Sue me.
23. The woman on the wheat thins box is HOT but WAY out of my league.
24. Writers block sucks!!!!!!!!
25. Sometimes when I am walking around listening to my IPOD I keep the headphones in my ears but don’t listen to music…I do this so I can avoid actually having to talk to people. Because nothing says “Piss off” like IPOD headphones.
26. I hate it when people don’t recognize the power of the “Piss off” headphones.
27. I don't actully like having attention. Yes my personality draws attention but I would much rather sit back and watch than have people focus on me.
28. When someone is labeled as a “People Person” it just means that they communicate with others well. But the truth is most often the “People Person” or “People Personai” does not like other people and are not very well liked either.
29. I am a “People Person”.
30. My Name is Neil Spencer Hiatt and I am the only person like me I know.
So...that's my top ten list of movies that defined my childhood, obviously there are many, MANY more I could add such as the secret of nihm and An american tale but they wouldn't call up the memories that the ones I put up do.
So with that list being made I just have to say....They don't make them like they used to. Movies now a day are more concerned with ticket sales, special effects and pandering than making quality film from fresh ideas. When was the last time you've seen a movie that wasn't a sequel of an older movie or a re-imagining? Though Batman Begins ROCKED it still wasn't an original idea. I can't even think of the last truely original movie in a long time....and it makes me sad.
P.S. The Dark Knight is coming out in July and I couldn't be more excited!!!!
Hello Everyone,
This is the first in what may be many editions to my "What the hell?" column.
Where I (Neil Hiatt) will post things that literally "Shock and Awe" me. Be it in mainstream media, film, books, news, etc. Now as a forewarning this is ALL OPINION, you can take whatever information I set forth (with sources I will site) and take whatever side you feel most comfortable with…but, I suggest you at least (for your sake and mine) look up facts for yourself and study outside of just what I tell you…so enjoy.
This morning I woke up, wiping the nights sleep away from my eyes. I rose out of bed and made some breakfast (eggs and bacon) then grabbed the Sunday edition of The Daily Herald (I myself am more partial to the Salt Lake Tribune but news is news and read it anyways).
I then turned to my favorite section, "Our towns" to find an article that made me say, "What the hell?" The article in question was titled "Convention ends with Satan and immigrants"
The link to this article is as follows (please read it! If the link doesn't work just copy and paste it into your address bar),
When I read this I thought it was a joke at first…a gag…but sadly it wasn't.
Where in the aforementioned article it talks about how at the Utah County Republicans convention a man by the name of Don Larsen, (who in my mind looks like a cross between Boss Hog and Superfudge), the chairman of legislative District 65 for the Utah County Republican Party claimed that "Illegal immigrants hate American people and are determined to destroy this country, and there is nothing they won't do."
If your mind isn't blown yet here is something else old Donnie boy had to say (when reading this picture him in a white suit and cowboy hat also yelling "Damn the Dukes") he said,
"Illegal aliens are in control of the media, and working in tandem with Democrats and are trying to destroy Christian America and replace it with a godless new world order (or N.W.O.) -- and that is not extremism, that is fact."
Here is where I get a little disconcerted….First he states Illegal aliens as being "influenced by the Devil". So, if all of these immigrants were in fact "influenced by the Devil", then who were our fore fathers influenced by? You know the ones who sailed across that big blue ocean in boats all the way over in search of a new land to find a better life than their own? I didn't see their green cards when they slaughtered the native Indians (note: I know that the immigration system wasn't set up thus they wouldn't have green cards….It's a joke people lighten up). And as a side note...if you have to state that what your saying isn't "extremism" then there is a large chance that it is in fact extremism.
Second, he blames the "Illegal Aliens" for having control over the media…..now aside from the blatant and creepy paranoia, doesn't that sound familiar to anyone? Like when during World War 2 (or WW II if you want to be a dick about it) a certain fascist group (who will remain nameless) was saying a certain race of chosen people (who also will remain nameless) had control of the media and other forms of bullcrap propaganda and slander…what were their names again? (If you haven't seen past the sarcasm at this point you probably shouldn't continue reading...it was the Nazi party by the way)
Now it seems that Boss Hog…I'm sorry Don Larsen, had a few supporters in the crowd that night one speaker, who was identified as "Joe," (obvious fake name) said, "Illegal immigrants were Marxist and under the influence of the devil." and Another speaker said, Illegal Immigrants should not be allowed because "they are not going to become Republicans." …..Not become republicans? Wha…What? SWEET HEAVEN NO! Next there'll be dancing!!!! (footloose reference).
So, where it chaps my ass is that not all, and in all actuality, very few Republicans or Christian conservatives think this way…I for one don't. But when the town idiot or any idiot with power and a microphone gets up and starts spouting off this uneducated, hate filled, garbage then it gives a REALLY bad name to the normal people of the world. Here are some quotes from a few REASONABLE people at the convention,
Senator Howard Stephenson, R-Draper, spoke against the resolution, saying Larsen, whom he called a "true patriot and a close friend," was embarrassing the Republican Party (yeah…you think so Howie?).
Someone else said, "Some language that is divisive and not inspiring other people to its vision, will only give fodder to the liberal media to give negative attention to the Republican Party." Which belive me it already has...thanks again Don.
And there were many many others who spoke against what was said.
Now it's not that I don't see good points (now I said points, building a wall is retarded, I mean come on does the Berlin wall not ring any bells people?) in trying to enforce at least some stronger laws regarding immigration. But do you think calling a class of people, who in an LDS community make up the greatest number of converts (places like South America and Mexico....HELLO!), Calling them Satan's minions…is that going to help anybody? The answer is a resounding NO! And I know what some of your will say that, "It must be the damn liberals who wrote it…slandering a great man like Don Larsen…for shame!" But the thing is….The Daily Herald is the most CONSERVATIVE of CONSERVATIVE newspapers…you might as well be reading the news from your sacrament programs if you catch my drift, and if a conservative newspaper even thinks this guy is crazy….then he just might be.
Thank you and goodnight,
Neil Spencer Hiatt
A few months ago my grandfather Moses Ray Hiatt passed away, he was 84 years old leaving behind an incredible life filled with Friends, Family, and accomplishments. Last night my Father, his wife Deborah, and I were given the opportunity to go through the house that my grandfather had built, my father grew up in, and our family had once called home. It was strange for me to be in a place that I had spent so many childhood years and to be overcome with the flood of memories that I left in that house.
We pulled into the driveway around 8:00 P.M. The large willow tree that my cousins and I would spend our days climbing stood, bare of it's long skinny branches and sweet smelling leaves, reaching it's way to the sky, stretching out and in it's own way trying to touch god. My eyes fixed on the houses fading red brick and long paned windows, dingy with the years of keeping families safe from wind and rain, I sighed knowing that this might be the last time I'd see this house as I did in my youth. The sound of the now rusted wind chimes sang out where once a small humming bird had nested many years before. I approached the doorway and grasped the cold metal handle and started my way in.
It's funny how you can enter a house that you have visited for years and have it suddenly feel as if it were your first time. The carpet hadn't been changed since it was built, all the trinkets and furniture were still the same, the only real difference was the silence. I could still smell the cookies, rice krispy squares, and the hot cocoa that my grandmother would bake when we would visit. And listened for the music that she would play and sing from her organ.
I looked through the rooms and let every memory overtake me. From the Far side wall calender in the kitchen that hadn't been changed since 1994 to the Keebler measuring chart with all of the grandchildrens heights marked off on them since we were 4, I laughed at the fact that I had only grown 5 inches since I was 12....nice.
Then the auction came, my father and his siblings were given some extra inheritance money to bid on items left in the house, (E.G. the television, beds, couches, nick knacks and so on and so fourth.). Hours later it was like being in a shell. A Hollowed out space where memories once lived and were now forced to find new homes in our thoughts. The only thing left was a large wooden hope chest that my grandfather had built for my grandmother. Inside it were his Uniform from World War 2 when he served in the Navy. My grandmothers wedding dress and a stack of love letters my grandfather had written to while he was at War for 3 years. I opened them up and felt the cool silk touch of the paper. When I read his words to her it was like peering into the life of someone I didn't even know and to see a whole new side to someone I was so close to.
Anyways this has been drawn out long enough, I just hope that everyone will cherish memories that they have more because I feel like I almost lost those memories until now. Hold them close, never let them go.
A year ago a girl I loved was killed in a car accident in Nevada. It was one of those moments I play over and over again in my mind and it still doesn't make sense. On thanksgiving day we talk on the phone, we speak about how much we miss each other and how when we both get back from vacation on Sunday we will meet up at my house. (What I could change about that conversation now would be how much I said I loved her, God knows how much I miss her but I never got to say how much I really cared for her). I head for home. I wait up the next night because we are supposed to meet after she gets home from California I sit up in my basement listening to the sound of the heating vents and a mostly empty house....then the girl who is never late meeting me....doesn't show up....I text her.....no response....I call her...damn, She left her phone at home because she "Didn't want to bother me on my vacation." (showing the complete aarogance and self absorption I had at that time I let her leave it...and regret it to this day). I sit down and think "It's okay Neil, maybe she got caught up in the storm...the weather was questionable when you left and she would never just leave you here." (Which is true at least in my case, she never missed one date or even was a second late ever). But then the next day comes and still no word....and that's when my stomach dropped to my knees and a dark piercing thought came crawling up from the back of my head pushing its way forward until it lit a fire behind my eyes. Neil, something is wrong!!!! I stay up in the basement wrapped in a blanket...sitting, waiting, crazy out of my mind and when I fall asleep I know I shouldn't wake up.
Then my phone rings...and a voice tells me what in my heart I already know, "Neil? I don't know how to say this to you but....There has been an accident, Chelsea's car flipped over on her way home from California, she was killed instantly..." The voice keeps talking but it sounds so far away now....like it was a world away. My heart breaks and I lose myself.
That was one year ago today, Alot of things have changed (personal, professional, etc.) Some great and some I would trade for a sodering iron to my balls (no joke).
So lets start with the good....
In this year I have found that I knew myself a lot less than I though I did, I am still me but an aware me for sure. I have found solace in family, without my dad I probably wouldn't have made it through anything in life and for that I love him for his faults and for his greatness. Also the people he has surrounded himself with is an example of how to live happily. I have started actively searching out good in my life, I exercise regularly, I find ways to support myself financially and be happy without falling into a regular mold for "Success or life" (I.E. what you are brainwashed to think is success is not always what it seems), I have braved through disaster and have found people that are a lasting support in my life. I find the good in everything now and try my best not to sweat things like it's a damned drama competition. Also build things in your life to look forward to so you don't have to join the ranks of the living dead. I have realized that anger is the last emotion anyone should hold, being a product of hatred and rage has plagued me for sometime but I here and foremost am truly sorry to those I have hurt and I have also forgiven many for what has happened or what they have done regardless of whether or not they are holding themselves accountable for their actions (I forgive you but that doesn't make us anywhere close to pals, savvy?). And I wish that everyone can open their minds towards life and stop digging the trenches of hate for each other. I am grateful for the true friends who have stuck with me and have accepted me in that year. I will not mention names but they know who they are and I want them to know I appreciate, love, and respect them more than they will ever know.
And on that note...the bad of the year (Guilty as charged on a lot of things but apologize and forgive all the same)
Death.....enough said. I have found that the term "real friends" should be used very carefully (see the blog "many choices, many pains" and "Creative Differences" For a more in depth perspective. P.S. There are a lot of people who fit in that category) I have also found that misery loves and I will say it again, LOVES company and will do anything in it's power to take you and pull you down into the darkness with it (many will agree but hardly any will do anything about it, no offense). I have come to hate the fact that people will come up with any excuse in the world to avoid happiness in their lives (see my blog "Let me see your grill" for more in depth look). I in about six months have also gotten into a few pickles with relationships since, but have learned that when you first loose someone not to just rush off and attach yourself to the first thing that comes along. They may say all of the right things and may act as if they are who they say they are but look for the 'figurative' "bloodstains in their smiles" because people who hate themselves will do (and say) anything to try and dissuade you from seeing the people they really are as well as tie you up in a (pardon my french) "Fu@k you but I love you realationship (I.E. Lying, betrayal, lying, drama, liars, drugs, succubus, nut case and did I mention lying?). But on my end I have found I can be a stubborn son of a bitch at times and have said many things I should'nt have in the heat of anger and am truly sorry for that (see above section). I have disrespected people close to me in that anger and am sorry for that as well. I have realized that anger stems from having different standards or beliefs from others and if you are to control your emotions you must know what sets them off (People who don't take accountability for their actions, people who make excuses, liars, drama addicts, ingrates, back stabbing, etc.) But knowing is only half the battle. I don't think I got the point across when I said this but I truly am sorry if I have hurt anyone (unintentionally and god forbid intentionally) I feel that everyone deserves to be happy in life and they don't need road blocks (self afflicted or not) in their way. I now also know that if you need help it is okay to ask for it, no one will think less of you and there are more people there to help you than you think.
So that's the year since tragedy,
I know I didn't speak much of her in that rant but that's because I wanted to save it for here.
I love and miss Chelsea Anderson everyday, I don't talk about it much but there are things that were so amazing about that girl. She could hold a conversation about anything and everyone would be captivated, I remember she actually went into one of her Medical assisting classes and gave a entire 20 minute oral report without even preparing, she winged the whole thing and got and A. She could recite the worst literature in the world and it would be the most interesting thing you had ever heard. She was completely aware of herself at all times and of the people around her. She had it pegged to a T and I think that is what struck, intimidated, and attracted a lot of people to her. Everything came so easy to her, she would brush off bad and find the good because in her life everything would always turn out okay. She had, hands down, the sharpest wit I have ever seen she was hilarious and there was always a good time with her. She loved me and I could never thank her enough for that. She was also very stubborn, which to be honest I loved! People adored her some with envy some with love but they came to her like life to water. She was and without any doubt absolutely beautiful. From her deep blue eyes, long legs, milky skin, soft hair, right down to her nose (which she hated but made her, her). I close my eyes and imagine holding her close again...it's what make living life to this point worth it, even for that short time.
Now to finish, I hope everyone can find love, happiness, and any form of success in their lives and am proud of anyone who can seek it out. Please keep to the path of what you truly know will make you happy no matter what anyone says and no matter what bad or good comes. Just be yourself and I (as well as many others) will love you for that.
Neil Spencer Hiatt
..It seems that the when the you take a good look at the people around you in life you need to ask yourself some questions.
1.Who are these people?
2.Do you care about them?
3.Do they make you want to be a better person?
4. Do they care about you?
5.Can you be honest with them?
6. Can they be honest with you?
7.When you come to a crossroads in your life do they pull up anchor for their own selfish needs or help you....and vice versa?
8.Would you sacrifice your happiness for their greater good?
9.Would they?
I have recently had to ask myself some of these questions about the company I was keeping and to my standards, the company, has been found wanting....and in some cases so have I. But when one door closes another one opens. I hope that I will be a better judge of character in the future and strive to be a more understanding person myself, but to take a quote from a favorite movie of mine, "Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up." Those words have never been more true than they are right now.