What's that you say? You've never seen a real man before?
Well, search no more baby because you're looking at a real 100%, Grade A, all American come and get it M...A...N.
Be it the sophisticated pallet,

The Restaurant Aficionado,

Or Just The Man About Town,

Yes I am a man in all the ways everyone else is not.
But do you want to know what really makes me a man?
My Gun...
That's right, my Springfield XD 9MM Hand Gun!
Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought "I don't like myself, I feel weak and useless."
Or have girls ever turned you down for dates?
Well Amigo then you are not a man....until you buy a gun!
That's right a gun can fill in all the holes that insecurity and society leave behind!
It's America's answer to all of life's problems...
Don't like yourself? Buy a gun!
Job Stressing you out? Buy a gun!
Feeling inadequate? Buy a gun!
Can't seem to please women? Buy a REALLY BIG gun!
Do you think this guy has any trouble reeling in the ladies?
I don't think so!
So now that you know what a REAL man looks like, how do you feel?
Yeah, I know, it's a lot to take in all at once...but don't be afraid.
My gun will keep you safe...

That's a pretty funny post man.
Duuuude, I have the gun too~
Jed Crossley
This post reminded me of the scene in Happy Gilmore where his old boss is wearing the shirt that says "Guns don't kill people, I kill people". Just don't kill people, Neil :)
That's pretty sweet Neil, Hilarious
You are all that is man. I'm glad you finally found that out. Go shoot some up some a...deer, for cook'in.
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