A friend of mine, Spencer King, posted on Facebook the other day a very disturbing video.
It was of a young "stand-up comic" by the name of Nick Madson, headlining a local club.
Here it is (Warning: Explicit Content)
It was of a young "stand-up comic" by the name of Nick Madson, headlining a local club.
Here it is (Warning: Explicit Content)
The disturbing part of said video is that none of those jokes are his own. They were stolen word for word from great comics such as Patton Oswalt, Dave Attell, Maria Bamford, and Richard Jeni to name a few (the last comic, Richard Jeni, tragically passed away in 2007).
Apparently, Nick had written an "apology" letter to Patton Oswalt stating that the show was a benefit show for a struggling theatre and that he only used those acts because he was a last-minute add-on to the show and didn't have his own material...all of that would have been understandable, if any of it were true...which it wasn't.
In part two of Patton's blog, he researched Nick's supposed fundraiser story by calling the opening acts for the show and emailing the club itself. Everyone responded with a resounding BULL-SHIT!
Come to find out Nick Madson had been paid by the club, as a headliner, and had told everyone and I am quoting from Mr. Oswalt's blog here, "He [Nick] claims to have been a guest on Tough Crowd With Colin Quinn, and to be one of Comedy Central's 100 Greatest Comedians, and to be filming a one-hour stand-up comedy special for Comedy Central in the fall, and also claims to be a writer for me [Patton Oswalt], Louis C.K., and Dave Attell."
Now this is where the story goes out of the realm of joke-stealing-upstart and into terrifying pathological liar and Sociopath.
WOW! Okay, sorry for the long intro; I just wanted to give you the example that sparked this debate within myself. I brought up the Patton Oswalt vs. Nick Madson issue to shine a bright light on the topic of Sociopaths.
A Sociopath (now more commonly known as Antisocial personality disorder) is an individual who has little or no remorse for his or her actions and will have personality traits such as pathological lying, showing "sham emotion" (much like the fake remorse shown by Nick Madson), and doing everything in their power to call attention to themselves, no matter what the cost (be it phisical or emotional manipulation), just to name a few.
According to Dr. Martha Stout's book The Sociopath Next Door , 1 in every 25 people is a possible Sociopath. A staggering number, to say the least, especially if you know a lot of people.
I, myself, knew a person who fits those exact descriptions. We were best friends from the ninth grade until I was twenty. And after six years of "friendship" it is absolutely mind boggling to think of the bullshit this guy spewed out.
For the sake of anonymity, we will not call this person by his real name. Instead, we will call him Assface McDouchetart.
Assface McDouchetart was a liar...and not your average liar who lied to keep out of trouble or save someones feelings, but a liar who did it to make his otherwise boring and non-existent personality look better.
Here are just a few examples of lies he told...
1. "I was adopted" - Not true
2. "I am 1/8th black" - Really 1/8? That's one half of 1/4...that's almost nothing...not to mention that it's not true.
3. "I'm Irish" - Really? Wow you are a genetic lottery here! Just because your STEP FATHER is Irish that doesn't make YOU Irish! My step father is German does that make me a part of the father land now?
4. "I was shot in the back with a shot gun a while back." Then, after being asked if we could see the scars, he said, "I have special skin, so it healed up..."
What the F$#K?!?!? Special skin? What are you, an X-man? There is only one person with "special skin" and it's not you...it's this guy.

5. How about the time he told everyone he went on tour with my band as its "merch boy," when, in fact, he stayed home while I went on tour.
6. How about when he started talking in a Chicago accent when the band I was touring with from Chicago was here? How about when he started talking in Ebonics whenever someone who was black was around?
7. Also, he told people that he was in the Russian drug trade. - Jesus Christ, seriously? The Russian drug trade...in Utah? Doesn't seem like the most marketable place for Russians to traffic...I could have believed a cartel or something, considering our distance from the border...but Russians? Well, Sarah Palin, how far are the Russians from your house in Utah?
8. Here is the big one...he told everyone that he had a tumor and that the doctor said he had one year to live? He borrowed money from his friends for "medical expenses" and would go into "seizures" whenever he didn't get his way? And when that year had come up, he was fine. Then, he said that his tumor "comes and goes." Well, here is a medical fact...tumors...DON'T JUST COME AND GO! That would be a FUC$ING MIRACLE!
These are just a few of the lies ONE PERSON told. And what shocks me the most is even after he was caught LYING ABOUT A TUMOR! Most of his friends still stuck around...insecurity at its finest.
Well thanks a lot Neil now I am obsessed with determining wich of my acquaintances are indeed sociopaths. 1 in 25, that's just to intriguing. Luckily I have migrated from a near by solar system with the help of my good friend Steven Hawking (Steve-o to his friends), and possess the psychic abilities I had on Shabozio. I'll get back to you on how you rate.
Oh, please let me know what you find out!
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