The basic idea is you have twenty-four hours (from 10:00 A.M. Friday to 10:00 A.M. Saturday ) to write, shoot, edit, score, and turn in a three -minute film.
The Rules Were:
1. You can only have five people in your group total (meaning only 5 people to act as your cast AND your crew).
2. You must use the given theme, prop, and line of dialog in your film (Our theme was generosity, our prop was a dollar bill, and the line of dialog was "What more can...").
3. Your film can only be three minutes in length.
This year four colleagues from the UVU film department and myself entered the competition.
Our Group Consisted Of:
Jorden Nash
Brittney Johnson
Jeremy Prusso
Eric Lawrence
Neil Hiatt (Myself)
We all worked hard and pulled together a really great short film.
Our Schedule Went As Follows:
10:00 A.M. - 12:00 Noon. - Get theme, prop, and dialog from LDS film festival. Come up with idea and write script.
12:00 Noon - 6:00 P.M. - Film entire script in three different locations.
6:00 P.M. - 5:00 A.M. - Film green screen in garage, synch sound clips to film footage, and edit the film together.
5:00 A.M. - 6:00 A.M. - Film pickup shots in garage, record songs for film, and record voice ADR.
6:00 A.M. - 7:00 A.M. - Color correct footage and mix audio.
7:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. - Finish mixing audio and synch it up to final film edit.
9:00 A.M. - 9:30 A.M. - Add After Effects lightning to fifteen frames of footage.
9:30 A.M. - 9:50 A.M. - Export film to DVD.
9:50 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. - Turn in final product to LDS Film Festival.
This was our first time entering the competition, and honestly I couldn't have asked for a better group.
You know why?
Here is us accepting our award:
(From left to right: Jorden Nash, Jeremy Prusso, Neil Hiatt, and film festival sponsor Christian Vuissa. Not pictured: Eric Lawrence & Brittney Johnson)

Here is us taking a picture in front of the LDS Film Festival Sign:
(From left to right: Neil Hiatt, Jeremy Prusso, Jorden Nash)

Here is a picture of me next to Boss Nass from Star Wars:
(From left to right: Boss Nass, Neil Hiatt)

Anyway, our three-minute short titled MUFFIN TOP took 1st PLACE out of twenty-nine entries and it also won the Audience Choice Award.
That means we beat out one-hundred and forty film makers working on their twenty-nine separate projects!
The logic:
29 groups x 5 film makers per group = 145 film makers
145 film makers - 5 (our group) = 140 film makers
And there were some really great films in this competition!
It was a wonderful feeling to meet so many talented individuals and to walk away with our heads held high.
So, without further ado, I give you our short film...
(NOTE: Remember we only had 24 hours to make this, so please forgive some of our editing and continuity errors)
All-in-all it was a great experience, and I can't wait until next year's competition.