Hey Everyone, just as an update if you didn't know for the last two weekends I have been competing in a local stand-up comedy competition at Wiseguys Comedy Club in Orem.
The competition consisted of 25 comics from the local area with 8 shows over the last two weekends. We started with 3 minutes in the first round, 5 minutes in the second round and 8-10 minutes in the finals. The winner of the event gets to open for Jamie Kennedy,

Comic/Actor/Star of Malibu's Most Wanted, Kickin It Old School, Scream, and the Jamie Kennedy Experiment. Also The Winner Gets an invitation to The Rocky Mountain Laugh Off another competition for headlining and featured comics from around the Rocky Mountain Area.
This is a pretty big leap for me considering that I haven't preformed Stand-Up comedy on stage in over two and a half years.
So with that being said....I WON!!!!!!! I took first place in every round I competed in! It was a close call in the finals there but in the end I got FIRST PLACE OVER ALL!!!!
I just want to say that I met some AMAZING comics during this competition and I hope to get the opportunity to preform with them all again for a long time to come. I also want to thank Wiseguys as well as Keith Stubbs & Rodney Norman for giving me the opportunity to preform again and for all the professional advice during the shows.
I open for Jamie Kennedy on November 15th at the Ogden Wiseguys Shows are at 8:00 P.M. & 10:00 P.M. and the Rocky Mountain Laugh Off is from Oct. 22 - Oct 27th
You can check out all of the info for these shows on the top of the main page at
It was a strange step for me to get back into comedy. I took the last while off because of some very personal trials I was facing in my life.
You see, when I first started to preform comedy I had just met (the day before my first open mic) Chelsea.
I loved Chelsea with all of my heart and she supported and inspired me in every aspect of my experience as a Stand-Up comic. We dated for two years all the while I was booking shows and events she was at EVERY SINGLE ONE. She had nothing but unconditional love, understanding, support and one of the sharpest wits I have ever known.
Tragically, she was killed in a car accident a few days after thanksgiving and after that I just stopped preforming completely. I thought that I had closed that chapter of my life altogether.
It was hard to find humor when my main joy and support was gone, but getting back on stage these last two weeks I could feel her watching over me and standing beside me as I returned once again to Comedy.
I have unconditional love and support now from my girlfriend Erin Seaward as well as my friends but with the experiences and personal growth I have gained from knowing Chelsea and through this competition I can't wait to see where comedy will lead.
Thank you for reading and I hope to see everyone at a show soon.